Welcome to Kindergarten, friends!
If you are like me, it took you all of June to finally understand how to rest and recoop after the end of last year! Now that it's July, half of me is so sad summer is coming to a close (I'm headed back to set my room up at the end of next week, eek!) and the other half has spent the last 10 hours, literally, combing the internet for new and fun ideas for next year.
This is just my second official year teaching, both in Kindergarten! and I am THRILLED to be back at my school. I have been blessed beyond belief by the support of administration and our fabulously talented and passionate team of NINE kindergarten teachers! I am eager to get back into the swing of things and pass on my passion to these itty-bitty, first time kinders!
I want to welcome you on my journey! Last year, I was hired a week AFTER school started, and had literally THE WEEKEND to get my bare-bones classroom in tip-top shape for a full class on Monday! Because of this, I never felt like I caught up, and spent my first two months just trying not to drown!
I'm hopeful that having time to plan out the classroom environment as well as my first few weeks of activities will leave me not as stressed out (not likely!) and able to pass on some of my knowledge and useful activities/units to you!
If you find this blog at all helpful, go to the right side and click follow! I hope to be posting on a variety of topics: Literacy Centers, the Daily 5 (which I will be implementing this year!), thematic planning around a world travelers theme, and teaching diversity and tolerance to some very special kiddos.
The kids we teach have the opportunity to change the world. What matters now is what they are filling their minds with, and how they are learning to interact on this very basic level. Ghandi once said that "whatever you do in life will be insignificant; but it is important that you do it." I fully agree. In the scheme of things, it may look like 18 kiddos that have learned not to judge based on poverty, social status, or race might seem like nothing. But to each of those kiddos, and the lives that they will impact one day, it matters indeed.
I challenge you to impact your kiddos hearts and outlook. Love them as Christ has loved each of us, His dear children.
Excited for this new journey!
20 hours ago
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